The agility test with the ball was used to verify the ability of the participants dribbling the cones while assessing time with a chronograph, as reported in other studies (McGregor et al., 1999). To evaluate agility with the ball plus shooting at the goal, 6 cones were diagonally placed with a distance between them of 3 m, centered on the goal. Participants had to dribble between the cones as fast as possible, without turning over the cones or losing control of the ball. The test was cancelled whenever the protocol’s criteria were not fully met. Time was always measured by using photocells (Speed Trap II - Browser Timing Systems). The participant was timed from the first cone until they overcame the last cone. Subsequently, participants shot at the goal where two targets were placed, delimited by a rope 1m from each pole. The subjects ended dribbling between the cones at the crescent of the penalty area and shot as quickly as possible without invasion of the area, having 3.65 m for the shot. For efficacy, the ball had to pass between one of the targets set; if it hit the post, it did not count as effective, but if the ball hit the rope, it was considered effective. This procedure was performed 3 times, with 3 min rest between sets. The best time while dribbling between the cones and the effectiveness of the 3 shots were recorded (Figure 1).