5. Results Processing Application
The results obtained from the subjective tests can be
processed by the Results Processing Application. If Image
Quality Evaluation Applications were used the text files
with results are already in the form necessary for the processing.
When the folder with these text files is uploaded the
application automatically creates the graphical representation
of all data. These data can be either interpolated (Fig.
8a) or the bar graph of average values can be created (Fig.
8b). Blue circles represent the evaluation values of particular
observers. In this case 5 observers participated in
the test but only 3 or 4 circles can be seen per every image.
That means that some observers evaluated some pictures
with the same score. The application enables also cubic and
4th degree interpolation of data but it is useless without
further data analysis. In case it is appropriate to use these
interpolation methods the equations of interpolation functions
and maximum values of this functions will be visualized
by the application in the form shown in Fig. 8c).