Resume, family conditions and need for the grant
Hello professor , I have a reason for requesting scholarship “ foundation agonshu ‘’ . There are 6 people in my family have father , mother , grandfather , grandmother ,brother and me .When my father’s illness and 2005 died a later time . At that time my family has paid for treatment pf his father. Now my family is poor . My mother is the head of the family rather than father take care of the whole family. Mother profession is farmer and merchants sold fruits and vegetables. Income is not stable, due to the weathers and economic fluctuations affect the output very much. As a result , family income there is not much. Brother profession receive government money about 11,000 bath he give money some months for me because seniors have responsibility . My mother age 48 year old .My mother is a persistent hypertension and had to work very much. Now I live in a dorm and university costs a whole lot more for food, personal use and school supplies. Mother had to work very very much . I want to help lighter the burden of his mother. It is very necessary to get scholarship ‘’foundation agonshu’’ . I get professors thammasat university and foundation agonshu will be help to consider me please for this schoolship will benefit a lot of my education and help lighten the load of the mother, more or less . I would like to thank you if ‘’foundation agonshu’’ been considered.