Haveing problem senting money from my ghana to santader bank in uk,i have the right swift code,and iban number.bank in ghana have tryed many times?
Read more: How long will it take to wire money from bank from united state Tennessee to my national investment bank in Ghana? - The money was wired yesterday and how long will it take to reflect in my national investment bank in Ghana :: Ask Me Fast at http://www.askmefast.com/categorydetail.php?cmd=search&qtype=answered&q=Haveing%20problem%20senting%20money%20from%20my%20ghana%20to%20santader%20bank%20in%20uk,i%20have%20the%20right%20swift%20code,and%20iban%20number.bank%20in%20ghana%20have%20tryed%20many%20times?