reduced the respiration rate and eventually the gradual changes
in total soluble solids and sugars seem to be under the direct
control of calcium.
The acidity of the fruit followed a linear declining trend
throughout the storage period. However none of the treatments
could alter the acidity of the fruit. The decrease in acidity during
storage may be due to utilization of organic acids in the
‘Pathernakh’ pear fruits were harvested at physiological mature
stage. These fruits were dipped in different concentrations of
calcium chloride solution (1, 2 and 4 per cent) each for 20 minutes,
followed by air-drying and packed in corrugated fiberboard cartons
and stored at 0-1°C and 90-95% RH. The untreated fruits were
also packed and stored under similar conditions. It was observed
that fruits treated with 4 per cent calcium chloride could be stored
successfully for 75 days in cold storage with acceptable firmness
and quality compared to 60 days in case of untreated control.