Currently there are unsolicited e-mails floating around and condemn that OilPure scholarship is abusing four Thai people to work like slave, fake company, illegal operation, commission paid professor who helps recruit student victims, and etc.
We wish to verify that these unsolicited e-mails are not based on fact. These statements are not true. They are people who were rejected by OilPure as they were disqualified and wish to express their personal anger to distort public image of OilPure.
If you were to read these scandal e-mails with righteous judgement (Mee Sa-ti), the scandalized e-mail writer has negative intention to restrain the opportunity for the innocent Thai students to acquire international skills and worldwide experiences. There is no contructive idea in these e-mails, only to scare the naive people and mislead you to think destructively toward others. We are positive that your intelligence (Pan-Ya) will liberate you from being victimized by this negative thought.
They are also other people who are suspicious about this scholarship and misunderstand about the real goal of this scholarship. So they express their personal viewpoint based on ignorance. It is the fact that OilPure does not break any Thai law and American immigration regulation. However, we are in a democratic society, so it is OK to think different or having different opinions. Diversified thinking makes our society grow prosperously. Communist society forces everyone to think the same.
We respect their different opinions. Thinking difference with ego does not give these people the rights and previleges to police others and becomes the law officer who appraises the right and wrongdoing of others.
Mr. Varat and Mr. Pradit, OilPure post graduated scholarship students who returned to Thailand on October 17, 2003 after six months of wonderful and worthy experiences with OilPure scholarship. Their photos are shown on the below web site. Why reading these phony e-mails and get confused about OilPure scholarship.
We urge you to give these two students a call and ask for the true story of OilPure scholarship while they were in the US. So you will get the right information that is based on fact, not personal negative angry opinion. There is nothing better than hearing the fact from the real persons who have been there.
These OilPure post graduated scholarship students can be reached at:
Mr. Varat Chaikasetsin, engineering student at Chulalongkorn University, Tel: 06-386-7851 (e-mail: varat_c AT
Mr. Pradit Mahasaksiri, engineering student at KMITNB, King Mongkut Institute of Technology, North Bangkok, Tel: 06-625-3533 (e-mail: tip_m AT
As Buddha said, Buddhist are self enlightened people who perceive things as they are real and will not allow ignorance to contaminate their mind and spirit.
Thank you,
OilPure Management
usa AT