1. Heat the oil in the resistance heaters and keep the temperature of oil constant by
adjusting the electrical power. (This step will be in control of your assistant)
2. Connect the insulated brass rod to the resistance heaters from both ends at the same
time and make sure there is good contact between the rod and heaters. Set this time as
your time zero (t=0). You should record the readings of the thermometers at t=0 just
before connecting the heaters to the rod. The temperatures at the ends of the rod may
be assumed to be equal to the temperature of the resistance heaters. Keep these end
temperatures constant as best as you can by adjusting the resistance switches on the
control panel.
3. Record the temperature profile in the rod at appropriate time intervals. Make your
own judgement as to what is "appropriate time intervals" probably by looking at
Figure 1. Continue taking data for temperature profile until the temperature rise at the
center of the rod becomes too slow (less than 0.30oC/min) or the center temperature is
within 30oC of the heater temperature.
4. Apply a disturbance to the system (See question 7 in the preliminary work).
5. Continue to record the temperature profile in the rod at previously selected time
intervals, until enough data are collected to understand the effect of the change.