Assess their performance and will assist companies, particularly the small and medium – sized enterprises for selecting an appropriate strategy under various market scenarios. Manufacturers are faced with challenges such as low cost competitors, fluctuating commondity, volatile economic conditions and increasing customer expectations. Increased frequency and complexity of challenges that threaten the operations and survival of firms and requiring more competencies than before including the attitude of managers toward risk affect the tactical decision – making process in collaborative supply chain under an uncertain environment, concerning especially capacity levels, purchasing strategies, production scheduline etc. The issue can be formulated as a sequential decision problem under uncertainty where the customer decisions affect the decisions made by the supplier. (3) Examines the impact of trust and information sharing on relationship commitment. Shared information and trust among trading partners are required for effective supply chain planning facilitates the transmission of information between trading partners resulting in the ability of the suppliers to respond to the changing demand of the retailers. Collaboration between trading partners in information sharing facilitates decision synchronization between these partners contributing towards achieving significant business performance. (Simatupang et al., 2004) Information sharing serves as an essential approach for the survival of enterprises and enabler of supply chain intergration and study is to investigate and overview the effectiveness of information sharing in supply chain management, in order to increase the efficiency of the organizational performance in the manufacturing sector.(5) Adjust their competitive strategies, supply chains, and manufacturing strategies and technologies in order to improve performance, compets, and survive in the long – term. (1) Small and medium – sized enterprises (SMEs) are much more vulnerable to these external pressures than larger firms, due to limited resources and capabilities (e.g. financial resources, managerial talent, and access to markets).