end Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a complete or near complete failure of the kidneys to
remove waste products, drugs, and other toxins from the blood, regulate electrolytes, maintain
normal pH balance of blood, produce vitamin D and hormone erthropoietin needed for red blood
cell production, and concentrate urine. At this point the kidney has lost >90% of its function and
without dialysis or kidney transplantation death will occur.
Since the kidney is unable to remove waste products and toxins adequately, nutrition therapy is a
very important aspect of managing ESRD. Limiting your intake of restricted foods and eating
enough of the right kind of foods can help control waste build up in the blood. As mentioned
above, one treatment method for End Stage Renal Disease is dialysis. Dialysis is a way to clean
the blood to rid your body of wastes, extra salt and water, and control your blood pressure. The
dialysis diet controls the intake of protein, fluid, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. The
controlled amounts of each of the nutrients are based on the person’s blood levels before and
immediately following treatment. There are two different types of dialysis, hemodialysis (HD)
and peritoneal dialysis (PD). Dietary needs for both vary slightly and it is important to know the