That was Yue’s original magic; “Thunder Dragon”. It’s a compound magic using the high-ranked magic; “Thunder Hammer” that creates a dark cloud then drops a huge amount of lightning, and Gravity magic. The lightning that originally just falls down was arbitrarily controlled using Gravity magic. To purposely make it form like a dragon from Hajime’s story was something made by magic using Yue’s sense. This thunder dragon was filled with gravity magic in the mouth’s parts, that’s why objects would be pulled toward it when its jaws were opened. This is why the demonic beasts looked like they voluntarily jumped toward it. Comparing its magic power, it was at the highest level even among high-ranked magic, that’s why just by looking at Yue’s expression one could see that was the gem of her pride.
And, the adventurers who looked dumbfoundedly at the scorched ground began to regain their senses. Following that, they vigorously turned around to look at Hajime and his party, then started to make a commotion.
“Oioioioioi, what was that? What was, THAT!”
“A-A strange beast was… … from the sky… … from the sky… … ah, it’s a dream.”
“Hehe, I, once we arrive at the town, I am going to marry.”
“I know how shaken you’re, but calm down. Remember that you don’t have a lover, not even a girlfriend.”
“It can be made by magic! It’s not even strange to make a strange beast like that! That’s why I am not wrong!”
“Well, there is no magic related with the life and death cycle, you know? That’s why this situation is abnormal, okay?”
“What!? Bastard, are you saying Yue-chan is abnormal!? Aan!?”
“Everyone, calm down! Listen, Yue-chan is a goddess, that’ll explain everything!”
Maybe because Yue’s magic left too much of an impact, the adventurers became a little broken. That couldn’t be helped. After all, there was no existing magic that could take the shape of living things. Furthermore, that was even impossible to be used by the magic-users that were employed by the country. It could be said the thunder dropping magic; “Thunder Hammer”, was only usable by ultra first-class magic-users.
Inside the broken adventurers that shouted, “All hail Yue-sama!”, something along that line was the sole sane person; the leader Galitima, who could only sigh after looking at his comrades and approached Hajime and his party.
“Haa, first of all, thanks. Thanks to Yue-chan, we were able to get through with zero damage.”
“We are co-workers now. There’s no need to thank us. Right?”
“… … Nn, I am only doing my job.”
“Haha, I see… … so, that is. What was that just now?”
Galitima asked without being able to hide his bewilderment.
“… … Original.”
“O-Original? Do you mean a magic you created yourself? High-ranked magic, no, is that a highest-ranked magic?”
“… … I didn’t create it. It is a compound magic.”
“Compound magic? But, what on earth combines to make that…”
“… … That’s a secret”
“Kh… … That’s, well, it should be. No adventurers will simply reveal their trump card after all…”
Accompanied with a profound sigh, Galitima gave up the pursuit. He seemed to be sensitive to the tacit rule of veteran adventurers. While he shrugged his shoulders, he turned his attention to the broken comrades. “They would give birth to a new religion called the “Yue faith” if this keeps up, that’s why Galitima must work hard”, that’s what Hajime thought as a man.
While receiving gazes from everyone in the merchant company that were mixed with awe and respect, their group resumed their travels.