Am I allowed to feature this on my channel? :)
1 month ago•2
Mach bitte
1 week ago•
+matzes run i'm sry mein fehler #ichwolltemichinformierendochichwurdezurückgehaltendamals
1 month ago•
matzes run
+PPAY.TV Könnte vllt. daran liegen, dass er deutscher Youtuber ist :D Informier dich mal lieber
1 month ago•
+matzes run warscheinlich versteht er dich oder?
1 month ago•
matzes run
+Corrupted Hoffentlich machst du eine Serie daraus! Freu mich drauf :D
1 month ago•
+Corrupted i know u here :3 im "enjoy" that right now ;P
1 month ago•
+Corrupted Definitely! It'd be awesome if you did. Glad you enjoyed it :)
1 month ago•1
Undead R.A. Robin
I just threw my phone. I knew that the dad was gonna be messed up but hell the noise got me. that poor poor baby
2 weeks ago•
Well based on what i felt well binaural beats do change feeling with a film like this i usually would feel like it would be somewhat creepy but this was actually terrifying and since im watching this in the dark with the part in the kitchen is where i had to stop because i actually got the feeling like something was about to come in my room even though i personally know nothings there though my basement has always creeped me out despite the fact that my rooms down there and i sleep down there everynight
7 months ago•1
+Juonsteel456 Well I'm glad we could help creep you out! :P
6 months ago•1
Was interesting. I'm not scared easily. Depressing how this didn't really work. Will report if I have nightmares in the night xD
4 months ago•
Loki Odinson
OH MY GOD >< NOOOOOOOO just no. utterly terrifying
3 months ago•
You went all out with the widescreen.
4 months ago•
i Markentosh
I always drink coffee but I fall asleep easier
5 months ago•
Nylon Ninja
HOLLY SHIT..................(no comment)
9 months ago•2
⩤Rўṹ Ħąȳȧвṻṧᾷ⩥
Now that was scary. Congrats, I'm usually one of the types of people who aren't scared easy but that was something. Nice job.
10 months ago•1
Cheers! Much appreciated.
10 months ago•1
Jace Gem
This was definitely a fantastic experience. It had a well written story, fantastic sound effects, amazing visuals, and it left me terrified. Cheers, mate!
9 months ago•2
Thanks for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed it!
9 months ago•
Waldane Martinez
Woah... this gave me chills.
9 months ago•1
Glad you enjoyed it!
9 months ago•1
this was incredible! Those beats really messed with my head. Good work :)
9 months ago•1
Thanks! Happy to hear you enjoyed it :D
9 months
CorruptedAm I allowed to feature this on my channel? :)1 month ago•2DB-TvMach bitte1 week ago•PPAY.TV+matzes run i'm sry mein fehler #ichwolltemichinformierendochichwurdezurückgehaltendamals1 month ago•matzes run+PPAY.TV Könnte vllt. daran liegen, dass er deutscher Youtuber ist :D Informier dich mal lieber1 month ago•PPAY.TV+matzes run warscheinlich versteht er dich oder?1 month ago•matzes run+Corrupted Hoffentlich machst du eine Serie daraus! Freu mich drauf :D1 month ago•InzCat+Corrupted i know u here :3 im "enjoy" that right now ;P1 month ago•Awakethefilm+Corrupted Definitely! It'd be awesome if you did. Glad you enjoyed it :)1 month ago•1Undead R.A. RobinI just threw my phone. I knew that the dad was gonna be messed up but hell the noise got me. that poor poor baby2 weeks ago•Juonsteel456Well based on what i felt well binaural beats do change feeling with a film like this i usually would feel like it would be somewhat creepy but this was actually terrifying and since im watching this in the dark with the part in the kitchen is where i had to stop because i actually got the feeling like something was about to come in my room even though i personally know nothings there though my basement has always creeped me out despite the fact that my rooms down there and i sleep down there everynight7 months ago•1Awakethefilm+Juonsteel456 Well I'm glad we could help creep you out! :P6 months ago•1Bobiqbal1234567Was interesting. I'm not scared easily. Depressing how this didn't really work. Will report if I have nightmares in the night xD4 months ago•Loki OdinsonOH MY GOD >< NOOOOOOOO just no. utterly terrifying3 months ago•rabasiticamphibianYou went all out with the widescreen.4 months ago•i MarkentoshI always drink coffee but I fall asleep easier 5 months ago•Nylon NinjaHOLLY SHIT..................(no comment)9 months ago•2⩤Rўṹ Ħąȳȧвṻṧᾷ⩥Now that was scary. Congrats, I'm usually one of the types of people who aren't scared easy but that was something. Nice job.10 months ago•1AwakethefilmCheers! Much appreciated.10 months ago•1Jace GemThis was definitely a fantastic experience. It had a well written story, fantastic sound effects, amazing visuals, and it left me terrified. Cheers, mate!9 months ago•2AwakethefilmThanks for the compliments. Glad you enjoyed it!9 months ago•Waldane MartinezWoah... this gave me chills. 9 months ago•1AwakethefilmGlad you enjoyed it!9 months ago•1afeatherinthewindthis was incredible! Those beats really messed with my head. Good work :)9 months ago•1AwakethefilmThanks! Happy to hear you enjoyed it :D9 months
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