1. Consider what’s important.
• Getting Organized – (What do you think you need to do get organized?)
- For me learning is not much important than experience, but learning is the way to success.
o Think types of things you will need to do at university, however small (and unimportant they might seem). (List all the thing that you think need to be considered)
• For each:
Indicate whether you think it will likely be done once only (i.e. one-off tasks).
- Freshmen activities
Indicate whether you think it will likely need to be done often (i.e. recurring tasks).
- Learn about education in the university and use for knowledge.
Indicate whether you think it will likely demand (require) a lot of your time.
- Study hard for exam
Indicate whether you think it will likely need a lot of thought.
- Group presentation
• Task Priorities and Dependencies between Tasks – In consideration of all the task you have listed:
Rank each task – (by indicating ‘high’ or ‘low’ priority) based on how important the task seems to you?)
- Academic is high.
- Social is low.
Identifying Dependencies – Indicate the order you think each task should be done.
- Preparation for exams. Moreover I want to prepare lesson.
• Good Time Management.
o Social time – List things you think you need to consider to fit with you academic commitments?
- Use social time doing project.
o Academic time
• Inside university – How much time do you think are you likely (typically) to spend there?
- I study 4 time a weeks.
• Outside university – How much time do you think are you likely (typically) to spend there?
- I learn from the class and use the internet when I don’t understand.
• Preparation for exams.
o What do you need to consider? (e.g. How many exams; Are the subject hard?)
- I need to consider every subject, I think Health and Sanitation is very hard.
o How much time is there before each exam for prep?
- I used 9 day to prepare the exam.
o Where can you prepare?
- In my room
o How much time will each subject require for preparation?
- I used to read 2 hour for each subject.
o What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?
- The strengths is to learn new knowledge, but the weaknesses is Health and Sanitation.
o What do you think are the risks to your preparation time?
- I went to Adventure place.
2. Ethics:
• Using Judgement – Find a definition for ‘judgement’.
- I want to choose everything by myself.
• Common Sense – Find a definition for ‘common sense’.
- Everyone know
• Knowledge – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
- If I have ethics, I can use my knowledge doing best thing.
• Experience – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
- Everyone can learn many ethics from experience.
• Reasoning: – Why do you think I am mentioning this under Ethics?
o Ethos
o Logos
o Pathos
3. Academic Challenges
• Setting targets / goals
o List some targets / goals you consider important for academic challenges.
- Understand and learned well
• Coping
o Why do you think some students may find it difficult to cope in university?
- Some of the student don’t respect the teacher and didn’t study hard.
• Achievement of objectives: Some notes that you may wish to make comments on.
• Promote Ethical Behaviour
o Becoming more knowledgeable through reading. (Consider what to read.)
- Reading some knowledge from internet and many webdits.
o Taking a pride in doing well. (Consider what this really means.)
- Keep doing the best things.
o Valuing learning and your time at university. (What ways can you show you value your time.)
- Be on time or before the class start.
o Developing an appreciation for achievement gained through ethical behaviour during study. (How do you think you can do this?)
- Study hard and listening in the class.
o Other. (Do you have any other points that may be relevant, and insightful?)
- No
• Maintaining ethical behaviour. (How can you do this?) – e.g. Develop confidence in you own learning skills, rather than – potentially unjustified – confidence in the perceived skills and knowledge of others. What are the threats to this?
- Think positive
• Social
- Always help each other
• Bad time management
- My goals will not succeed.
• Lack of commitment
- My life is not succeed.
• Losing sight of the ball.
- (I don’t understand to question.)
• Losing drive.
- (I don’t understand to question.)
• How to overcome these threats.
- Prepare myself to be ready all the time.