The ways of coping checklist is a 68-item scale developed by Folkmam to assess the use of different coping strategies in response to specific stressors.
Vitaliano improved the scale by administering it to a large sample of medical students and factoring the item responses.
Vitaliano etal.
Found strong evidence for the construct and concurrent validity of the revised WCCL-R.
Alpha coefficients ranged from .74 to.88.
In responding to the WCCL-R, participants are instructed to focus on their most serious stressor, which in the current study was cancer.
They then rate how frequently they use each of the 43 coping responses using a four-point scale (never used to regularly used). The Five empirically derived WCCL-R scales are problem focused (15 items), avoidance (10 items), wishful thinking (eight items), seeks social support subscale, because it was hypothesized that group participation would increase use of this coping strategy.