Effect of MCT on Food Intake and Satiety. Animal
studies. Lower weight gain and decreased fat depot size with
MCT feeding compared with LCT feeding in animals have
been attributed to two different effects of MCT, i.e., increased
EE and decreased food intake. Satiety may also be affected by
fatty acid chain length of dietary fat. Bray et al. (19) observed
greater feed intake when LCT were included in the diets of the
rats compared with diets containing MCT. After 80 d of
consuming diets containing 60% of energy from CO, MCT or
a mixture of the two, rats fed the CO and the CO-MCT diets
had a higher BW than those fed the MCT diet alone. Rats fed
the MCT diet consumed less energy, and the authors concluded
that -hydroxybutyrate may play a role in the difference
in food intake between MCT- and CO-fed rats.