Summary : Matty Doolin was fifteen years old, he was leaving his school and try to get job. He really loved animals, so he wanted to work at farm or somewhere relayted to aminals. However, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doolin didn't allow him to work atfarm or such a place. Moreover, poor Nelson which was Matty's dearly dog wasn't allowed to be his pet. And he didn't allowed to go camping with his best friends also. One day, he argued with his parents and he left home next day. When he came back home, very sad thing happend. His Nelson was killed by car! From next day, Matty had sad days. He looked very sad, like dead man. That's why his parents allowed to go camping to cheer him up. Then, Matty's best friends, Willie, John and Matty went to Mr. Walsh's farm. There were lots of fun for Matty, not his friends. Mrs. Walsh and her daughter, Jessica were really nice people. Than, what happened to Matty? Could he get job at farm? Was there dangerous thing