Positive Socio-economic impacts of tourism and hospitality
• Promotes economic growth- Through generate of foreign exchange, improve of income as well as employment in the tourism and hospitality sector also strengthens the economy of the country.
• Alleviates poverty- The tourism and hospitality industry provides employment opportunities and promote micro and small business.
• Advances in food security- The demand for locally sourced food and food hygiene standard are key area improvement and attracts more visitors and helps economy to grow.
Negative Socio-economic impacts of tourism and hospitality
• Spread of diseases- Tourism brings in people from many culture and countries may bring in diseases and may spread in the host country.
• Increase in crime and terrorism- Tourists may also involve in various criminal activities.
• Leakage of tourism revenues- The presence of significant leakage reduces the economic development impact of tourism.
In my opinion there is positive and negative in every thing, but it is how to keep the good thing and how to manage bad thing to be good.