To meet our responsibilities, TMCA will
Manage Risks – by identifying all workplace hazards, undertaking assessments and taking all necessary actions to control any exposure to injury, loss or damage.
Comply with all legal and other obligations – by ensuring that our business is managed in accordance with relevant occupational health and safety legislation and TMCA Occupational Health and Safety Policies.
Apply TMCA policies, where applicable, to suppliers and other third parties.
Establish targets and measurements – we will manage our obligations using coordinated occupational health and safety business plans for each area and site, with challenging targets against which to measure progress, to ensure continuous improvement aimed at the elimination of work related illness and injury to achieve our goal of "Zero Harm".
Provide appropriate training and information for all TMCA employees, labour hire employees, contractors and visitors to enable safe performance of work.
Ensure meaningful and effective consultation with, and the involvement of all employees in matters potentially impacting workplace health and safety.
Communicate clearly and openly TMCA's occupational health and safety commitments and performance
Promote a culture of safety by TMCA and all TMCA personnel. We will ensure everyone knows that they are responsible for their own, and others health and safety, setting clearly defined responsibilities for all managers, supervisors and all other TMCA people.
This policy statement applies to all TMCA sites and will be regularly reviewed in light of developments, including changes to legislation, our understanding of best practice, and the organisation of TMCA.