Floral fragrance compounds of five species Anthurium armeniense, A. fragrantissimum, A. lindenianum, A. ochranthum and A.roseospadix, and three hybrids of A. armeniense were studied using headspace adsorption and solvent extraction for sample preparation followed by capillary GC and GC-MS analysis. Twenty eight compounds were identified and their levels (%) assessed at the scent-emitting pistillate stage of the spadix. Variation of compounds in the headspace in response to the time of day were determined in a hybrid, A. antioquiense × ‘Tatsuta Pink Obake’ (UH1299), which emitted strong fragrance all day. Chemical profiles from the headspace and from spadices soaked in CH2Cl2 were compared in three species. Combination of these two data sets would provide more complete chemotaxonomic profiles in Anthurium.