There are thousands of scorpion species, but approximately
30 scorpion species are medically important. According
to recent epidemiologic data, at least 1.2 million
scorpion stings per year with more than 3000 deaths were
reported (Chippaux and Goyffon, 2008). Of the 6 families of
scorpions, only those in the families Buthidae and Hemiscorpiidae
are of human hazards. Significant envenomations
are due to Hemiscorpiidae family, genus
Hemiscorpius, in the Middle East and family Buthidae
which includes Mesobuthus and Hottentotta species in
India, Leiurus species in the Middle East, Androctonus and
Buthus species in North Africa, Tityus species in South
America, Centruroides species in North America and Parabuthus
species in South Africa. Scorpion envenoming produces
both local and systemic symptoms. Local symptoms
include pain, swelling, redness and heat. Lymphadenopathy
may be observed. Systemic symptoms of autonomic
nervous systemic involvement, developing within minutes
There are thousands of scorpion species, but approximately30 scorpion species are medically important. Accordingto recent epidemiologic data, at least 1.2 millionscorpion stings per year with more than 3000 deaths werereported (Chippaux and Goyffon, 2008). Of the 6 families ofscorpions, only those in the families Buthidae and Hemiscorpiidaeare of human hazards. Significant envenomationsare due to Hemiscorpiidae family, genusHemiscorpius, in the Middle East and family Buthidaewhich includes Mesobuthus and Hottentotta species inIndia, Leiurus species in the Middle East, Androctonus andButhus species in North Africa, Tityus species in SouthAmerica, Centruroides species in North America and Parabuthusspecies in South Africa. Scorpion envenoming producesboth local and systemic symptoms. Local symptomsinclude pain, swelling, redness and heat. Lymphadenopathymay be observed. Systemic symptoms of autonomicnervous systemic involvement, developing within minutes
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