We will focus only on TCC project, today. Before doing your work
1 Beam and Namtarn take part of this project i.e. Beam takes 4 projects, Namtarn takes 3 or Beam takes Jan and Namtarn takes Sec
2 Ap works with Namtarn
3 Pim is allowed to do Hilton till 1200pm. If it's done, fine. Unless Pim switches to TCC and works with Beam until it's done. Pim communicates to BD once you are at office. You can back to Hilton only when TCC is done
4 Beam and Namtarn; you are responsible to the correctness of info in proposal. Make sure you are double check everything. If we have enough time, do cross check P Peak may have to get cost approval from MD in the morning, so take that time to plan before doing things BD, SD