Thank you for contacting Trend Micro. Your message regarding WWW remove for has been assigned a ticket ID of [MAPS #789980].
Please include that string in the Subject: header of any future correspondence with Trend Micro.
Single IP Removal Requests
If you are requesting that a single IP address be removed from the DUL, please wait for a follow-up response from the Trend Micro Spam Investigations (SI) team.
Most requests are handled automatically within 1 hour of being submitted to Trend.
NOTE: If you do not agree with the automated response, then please email a response back to us and the ticket will be handled by a human being for followup.
Please remember, the fastest response is received when you use the IP Lookup Tool to check an IP and submit a
ISP Updates and Removal Requests
If you are an ISP or IP space owner providing us with an update to your assigned IPs, we try to provide a first response back to you within 1 working day.
Other Requests
If your request is not covered above, we will work on the ticket and contact you as needed to resolve the issue.
Thank you!
Trend Micro Spam Investigations Team