Asia is a largest landmass of the world. It has population of different races, religions, cultures. Asia Being the largest continent covering the areas of 1 in 3 of the world (44,648,953 Km2)
Asia is called the continent of various extremes and opposites. There is the highest point on land in the Himalayas, Nepal, called the Everest Peak which stands at 8,848 m. There is also the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean called Challenger Deep, reaching a depth of 10,920 m.
Asia shares a land mass with Europe and Africa. The area that Europe and Asia are combined is called Eurasia.
North: it is bordered by the Arctic Ocean.
South : it is bordered by the Indian Ocean.
East : It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean.
West : It is connected to the Mediterranean Sea.
From the above information, we can see that most land of Asia is located to the North of the Quator or the Northern Hemisphere. There are some areas of Indonesia and Timor-Leste that are in the South of the equator or Southern Hemisphere.