Guide: Yes!!
" : I would like to introduce the wat tha ka rong. The Ayutthaya.
" : You have a day?
" : okey. Day trip to meet me.
" : Here. we provide our sevices.
on sunday, November 2nd trip.
" : Hello, yes the tourists that appoinment?
" : I will in troduce the history of temple and let you guys listen to me.
" : Now! history temple wat tha ka rong , who assumed the enlightened nature and ruine. It was built during the reign of one. About the year AD 2076 or 474 year ago, because debris bloked a river. During the rela tively
peacefulbland Buddhism flourished good. The measure is also used as a residence for the evangelical cult band Lanka too. Now I will take you to various places in the temple and take them to the temple in the temple and take a walking tour of the old market here.
" : The chapel, then.
" : Yes. This church has Buddha Ratana favorable or celled father smile with splendor. To visit father smile please.
" : I will take away the leat.
" : The old water. water.
" : old city market. wecome. Next time don't forget to execute company tour thailand again.