Agricola [$6.99] is a farming sim set in 17th century Europe. You may think you know what a farming sim is, but until you've played Agricola, you don't know anything. There are no timers in Agricola, no virtual currency, and the only people whose farms you'll be paying attention to are those of the 0-4 people (or AI opponents) you are playing against.
Agricola began its life as a board game, and it still had cards, chit-like icons, and other traces of its roots, but Playdek's adaptation is so convincingly themed and touch-friendly that an innocent soul could be forgiven for thinking that they were playing a iOS original with board game styling.
In the board gaming community, Uwe Rosenberg's Agricola is one of the most celebrated games of the new millenium. Originally released in German in 2007 (two years before Zynga's Farmville), it is a worker placement game like Caylus [$4.99] and Stone Age [$6.99].
Each turn you allocate the members of your family to tasks like collecting resources, plowing, sowing, and building. You start with two adults, but will need to add children as soon as you can. The game's most basic goal is to be able to feed your family come harvest time.
Agricola [$6.99] is a farming sim set in 17th century Europe. You may think you know what a farming sim is, but until you've played Agricola, you don't know anything. There are no timers in Agricola, no virtual currency, and the only people whose farms you'll be paying attention to are those of the 0-4 people (or AI opponents) you are playing against.Agricola began its life as a board game, and it still had cards, chit-like icons, and other traces of its roots, but Playdek's adaptation is so convincingly themed and touch-friendly that an innocent soul could be forgiven for thinking that they were playing a iOS original with board game styling.In the board gaming community, Uwe Rosenberg's Agricola is one of the most celebrated games of the new millenium. Originally released in German in 2007 (two years before Zynga's Farmville), it is a worker placement game like Caylus [$4.99] and Stone Age [$6.99].Each turn you allocate the members of your family to tasks like collecting resources, plowing, sowing, and building. You start with two adults, but will need to add children as soon as you can. The game's most basic goal is to be able to feed your family come harvest time.
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