Mr. Mouse and Mrs. Mouse: We want you to marry her!
Sun: I'm not the most powerful. The most powerful is the Cloud
Mr. Mouse and Mrs. Mouse: The Cloud?
Sun: Yes. The Cloud covers me.
Mr. Mouse: Hey, Cloud! We have seen you cry a lot of times. Do you cry because you feel alone?
Cloud: No. I cry so that plants can grow.
Mrs. Mouse: You are the most powerful, and you deserve to marry out daughter.
Mr. Mouse: She is the most beautiful mouse on earth
Cloud: No, I’m not the most beautiful. The most powerful is the wind.
Mr. Mouse and Mrs. Mouse: The Wind?
Cloud: Yes. The Wind blows me . (the whistling of the wind is heard) Listen! Here it comes! Oh, it’s pushing me!
(A carboard wind enters stage. The Cloud disappears. The wind walks around the stage and the mice follow it)
Mr. and Mrs. Mouse: Mr. Wind! Mr. Wind! Stop!
(The wind stops blowing)
Wind: What do you want . I’m in a hurry!
Mr. Mouse: Would you like to marry our daughter? She is the most beautiful mouse in the world!
Mrs. Mouse: You are the most powerful. You deserve her!
Wind: I am not the most powerful. The most powerful is the wall.
Mr. Mouse and Mrs. Mouse: The wall?
Wind: Yes. The wall stops me. The wall doesn’t let me go through.
(The wind leaves stage whistling trying to destroy the wall. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse fall down because of the wing force)
Mr. Mouse: (getting up ) We have to talk to the wall
Mr. Mouse: Yes, we have to!
(Mr. and Mrs. Mouse approach the wall)
Mr. Mouse: Mr.Wall! Mr.Wall!
Mrs.Mouse: He doesn’t hear you. He is old and deaf.