The Rhine is more intensively used than any other river in Europe.
The uses of the waters in the Rhine catchment are varied. Sometimes they compete with each other, they almost always change the water and pollute the water quality.
The uses and the protection of the Rhine and its tributaries must be brought into an acceptable balance, so that the uses and activities of future generations are not questioned. This is particularly urgent as existing problems, such as in flood prevention, by the effects of climate change are expected to be tightened.
Almost all of the Rhine and its tributaries have been in the past 150 years for navigation , hydroelectric power generation , flood control dammed or straightened and land reclamation. Other usages harm the Rhine and its floodplain indirectly by point and diffuse nutrient and pollutant discharges from settlements , industry and agriculture .. Poorly compounds dissolve long accumulate in sediments and organisms. The agriculture , for example, affects the groundwater in that too high doses of fertilizers and pesticides are washed out into the groundwater. Also over the air come loads, primarily by car, power plant and industrial emissions even from regions outside the Rhine basin. Other uses with partly negative effects include industrial water, heat stress by cooling water use, recreational activities , and mining activities.