The Chu Feng corners of the mouth are hanging happy expression of satire, walked toward the Yuan Qing once again, at this moment arrived at a Yuan clear near, stood in his side. 楚枫嘴角挂着讽刺的笑意,再度向元清走去,此刻已是来到了元清的近前,就站在他的身边。 „Damn, damn” at this moment, a Yuan Qing by Chu Feng Spirit power, untidy that blew, sent the silk to be dishevelled, even if Chu Feng has taken back the pressure, may solely rely on Spirit power, was lets him distressedly to the extreme. “该死,该死”此时此刻,元清被楚枫的精神力,吹的衣衫不整,发丝蓬乱,哪怕楚枫收回了威压,可单单凭借精神力,也是让他狼狈到了极点。 He has not thought that Chu Feng Spirit power formidable to this situation, if sends out his Spirit power, that brings contempt upon oneself absolutely. 他怎么也没有想到,楚枫的精神力会强大到这种地步,若是将他的精神力散发出来,那绝对是自取其辱。 He knows that he ended, as if from the beginning, fell into the Chu Feng snare, played in applauding, but he until today, had detected, when detects, already was actually too late. 他知道,他完了,似乎从一开始,就已经落入了楚枫的圈套,被人玩弄于鼓掌之中,但他直到今天,才有所发觉,只不过发觉之时,却早已为时已晚。 However, so long as thinks, reputation that oneself gain, other people's vision to his awe, is going starting today after he goes, the hatred of his innermost feelings, then rich to the extreme. 然而,只要想到,自己获得的声誉,他人对他那敬畏的目光,从今日起将要离他而去之后,他内心的憎恨,便浓郁到了极点。 „Chu Feng, I must kill you!!!” Suddenly, a Yuan Qing roared, is similar to greedy person who counter-attacked, not only started Martial Energy of whole body together, was the palm change, grasped a King Armament long sword in the hand, was then puncturing to the Chu Feng dantian, he wants to discard cultivation of Chu Feng unexpectedly is. “楚枫,我要杀了你!!!”突然,元清怒吼一声,如同反扑的饿狼,不但将自己全身的武力一同发动,更是掌心翻动,将一把王兵长剑握于手中,对着楚枫的丹田便刺了过去,他竟想废掉楚枫的修为。 „Snort”, however, started a Yuan Qing of surprise attack facing that suddenly, Chu Feng was only Cold Snort one, afterward the personal appearance dodged to side slightly, then easily has evaded a Yuan clear thorn, followed, a palm of the hand fell suddenly, only listened to „”, then fan maliciously on a Yuan clear face. “哼”然而,面对那突然发动奇袭的元清,楚枫只是冷哼一声,随后身形向旁微微一闪,便轻易的躲过了元清的一刺,紧随其后,一巴掌猛然落下,只听“啪”的一声,便狠狠的扇在了元清的脸上。 „Ha” a palm of the hand hits, a Yuan Qing called out pitifully immediately, not only King Armament in hand discarded directly, in half idle operation dozens, fell falls on the place. “呜啊”一巴掌击中,元清顿时惨叫一声,不但手中的王兵直接丢掉,更是在半空转了几十圈,才摔落在地。 When he falls to the ground, half cheeks twisted, not only the full mouth blood, is the big tooth completely is more broken, is remained by a tooth that Chu Feng hits. 他落地之时,半个脸颊都扭曲了,不仅满口鲜血,更是大牙尽碎,被楚枫打的一颗牙都不剩。 At this moment, is similar to the dead dog is ordinary, is quite unwilling, actually can only lie there, that called miserable. 此时此刻,就如同死狗一般,极为不甘,却只能趴在那里,那叫一个惨。 But looks at such Yuan Qing, Chu Feng only spoke a few words: „Fights with me? Overreaches oneself.”