"My journey actually began in 2011, since then I've lost a total of 80 lbs (picture shown..only a 55lb difference-due to 25lb weight gain post competition). I started to lose weight my freshman year in college; I joined weight watchers to help control my appetite and learn how to track and eat new foods. After I got a hold of a new meal plan and learned a lot on my own about the gym, I incorporated a steady workout routine of weight lifting (6x a week) and cardio (5x a week). This helped slim me down so consistently and I stayed on track in keeping the lbs off. Doing a bikini competition in the past was a great motivation for me..find a goal and go for it. I've done all the quick "overnight, lose a pound in a day bullshit," but it's not a healthy long term solution to weight loss. Do research and learn about your body. It takes a lot of time and effort to mold it into what we want, start today!”