Nevertheless Science, Technology,
Engineering and Maths (STEM) modules can provide
opportunities towards the development of these skills,
there is evidence that school curricula do not
encourage students’ meaningful engagement in
STEM practices [3]. Many students consider STEM
modules as irrelevant with real life and as a result
opportunities for active involvement in analytical,
critical, computational and problem-solving thinking
practices are being missed. This attitude affects
students’ employment future and opportunities [3],
According to recent studies [3] fewer and fewer
students pursue a career in STEM and many students
lack skills such as critical thinking, analytical
thinking and problem-solving skills. In accordance
with NESTA organization UK ‘faces massive
shortages of people with science, technology
engineering and mathematical (STEM) training’ [4].
For this reason teacher training is planned aiming at
equipping teachers with the necessary skills to
motivate their students towards engagement in the
area of STEM [4]. Through STEMNET [5] another
attempt is made to bring together teachers, employers,
and ambassadors and to inspire young students in
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.