Dear Khun Pornpan,
Thank you for your interested to proposed us the quotation for M&E erection work of Xenamnoy2 and Xekatam1 project. Please be submitted the scope of work including some detail related to the work which is as below:
1. The project is located in Paksong Province, Lao PDR (15°07'19.9"N 106°38'29.3"E)
2. The detail of work is provided in . And the further information regarding the work which are layout of powerhouse, equipment installation guideline and testing list is also attached here
3. The installation work period is 3 months (Jan 17 - Mar 17) after the overhead crane was completely installed.
Furthermore, the below photos are provided you as information of how the equipment will be transported to site.
Based on discussion in the meeting, it would be great if you can submit the quotation next week and the quotation may be specified that the price is based on the assumption for something is still unclear. And if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me directly ka.