Literature review
There are many works and studies that relate to this research. The first one which is brought from the work of Awunyo-Vitor, it is said that “sales promotion is a collection of incentive tools designed to stimulate sales of particular products or services in the short-term. The sales promotion has influenced many young consumers to purchase the product.” (Awunyo-Vitor, et al.,2013,P.141 )
The second work is from “C Muthukrishna, et al” (2013), it is said that “effective consumer sales promotions and consumers behaviors towards the promotions. The customer has taken purchase decision from consumer offers. It has been bettered with Advertisement and other sales promotions. Peoples are easily visible the product to store display and it has been helping to consumers for chose the products. It was more effectiveness with media and other Advertisements.”
Another study is referred to the Impact of Sales Promotional Activities on Customer Buying Behavior of customer purchasing, Brussel (1991)said that sale promotion consists of those marketing activities other than advertising publicity and personal selling that stimulate customer purchasing, but for William & Ferrell (1987) was of the opinion that, sales promotion is an activity that act as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for a product to resellers, salesperson or customers. Frequently marketers use sale promotion to improve the effectiveness of other promotion mix ingredients, especially advertisement and personal selling.