Thanks for a good class today. For homework tonight, please do the following:
* Write 6 sentences using 6 vocabulary words
* Write a 1 paragraph opinion response (10 sentences) on the article we read in class today ("Separated at birth, reunited on Facebook") - what did you think of this article? Does this article make you think about the possibilities of communication? If you were in a similar position, what decisions would you have made?
We will have a brainstorming session tomorrow about presentation topics. Your presentation should be related to communication. To start, here are some topics to begin thinking about:
* is social media an effective form of communication?
* what are the limits / possibilities of communicating using the internet?
* how can new forms of communication make our lives easier or more difficult?
Again, we'll talk more about this in class tomorrow so don't worry about preparing anything just yet.
Please email me your homework assignments so that I can give you credit for them.
Thanks, and please let me know if you have any questions. See you tomorrow.