A guest relations officer gives each guest a personal recognition. This could be in a form of memorizing names of the customers or addressing them with the correct salutations, Although a GRO would not be able to memorize the names of all the hotel guests at a given time, they should remember a hotel guest's name after two transactions. A GRO meets and greets arriving guests and bids them farewell as they leave. He or she reviews the arrival list daily and assists in preparing and distributing welcome amenities. GROs escort VIPs to their rooms and check them in before their arrival. A GRO attends promptly to customers' inquiries and assists them with their needs. When it comes to complaints, they allow guests to speak first and then provide solutions to their issues or concerns. The GRO logs the day's activities in a logbook to ensure that the next person on duty is familiar with everything that needs extra attention. The GRO should always be present in the hotel lobby and should maintain proper decorum at all times. They should respond quickly to calls in case he or she is not at his or her post. He or she also promotes all the facilities of the hotel and knows the surrounding areas when asked for directions. A GRO should also be familiar with the best places to tour, shop, and dine.