Table 1 highlights the characteristics of the users. The number of male and female respondents was 236 and 42
respectively. It should be noted that 85% of the respondents are male. As can be seen a large gap in nationality
between respondents. This rate was 75.5% in Asian and 15.8% in Arab. 39.2% aged between 16-30 years old.
49.3% aged between 31-45, 9% aged 46-60, and only 2.5% aged more than 60 old. 55.04% versus 44.96% of
the sample is married and have families. In terms of income level, 73.4 % of these users receive less than 5,000
QR monthly. However, bus users were recorded to be approximately 91.7% residents in Qatar. Only 8.3% were
The questionnaire statistics show
that 67.3% of the sample respondents do not own private vehicles. Approximately 53% of the sample respondents
use the bus service around 1-7 times per week. 60% would not use the bus service if they can afford to own a
private car. 71% of the respondents stated that the bus station is about 10-20 minutes walking distance away from
their residence. Only 10% stated that they often carpool to reach the nearest bus station. Moreover, half of the
sample stated that they often waited 30 minutes to catch a bus and that the travel time to their desired destinations
usually took an additional 30 minutes.