In part of Economic and business environment, there is a chance that Country X people will act related to the whole continental trend that is doubling exchange and trade their goods and services. Everybody can easily reach the source of investment funds, know effectively investment plan and have a good purchasing power. As the result, the GDP/capita can grow about 50% following other country and the economic gap will get closer than today. For Government influence, Country X will support the “Great Latin American union” thought for becoming the major role in international, they will be against corruption in order to create a good image for the country.
The interaction between “Economic and business environment” and “Government influence”, there are likelihood that government will let the market freely drives the economy, encourage local company and also foreign company to increase their investment. They will focus more on improving standard of living, education, and infrastructure to attract more investor. Higher those things will lead to increase personal income. That will be positive influence on economy.
Under this scenario, the sovereign rating of the country will be better than BB rating because of increasing in GDP/capita. There is a rare chance that the government default its debts. However, there is the likelihood that the future relative inflation will increase due to higher purchasing power.