Biodegradative potential of B. amyloliquefaciens An6 strain
The ability of the strain An6 to degrade and utilize diesel fuel as
the sole carbon and energy source was investigated. The strain was
cultivated in mineral salt medium containing diesel oil (3%) as the
sole carbon source. Culture was performed at 30C for 18 days.
Culture samples were taken at regular intervals (every three days)
and analyzed for viable cells, surface tension and diesel degradation
level. As reported in Fig. 5, the strain was able to grow in mineral
salt medium supplemented with 3% diesel. The biomass of
B. amyloliquefaciens An6 increased exponentially with the increase
in incubation time up to 9 day. In the following three days biomass
remained relatively constant and thereafter decreased slightly.
Biosynthesis of biosurfactant was evaluated through determination
of surface tension. Indeed, the surface tension was initially 70 mN/