The objectives of this study were to investigate if AWD-basedirrigation regimes interacted with N application rates on rice yield,WUE and NUE, and to understand how irrigation regimes and Nrates interacted on crop growth. Some agronomic and physiolog-ical traits that are closely associated with rice growth, percentageof productive tillers, leaf area duration (LAD), leaf photosyntheticrate, dry matter accumulation, nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) inthe stem at heading and its remobilization during grain filling, rootbiomass and root oxidation activity (ROA) (Yoshida, 1972; Fageria,2003), were determined. Such a study would provide useful infor-mation to the rice production achieving higher grain yield and highresource use efficiency, and give insight into understanding themechanism underlying the interaction between water and N onrice growth.