Different capital (A-B) and small letters (a-h) in the same column indicate significant differences of values between three samples with three different salt concentrations and
between eighteen samples with different salt concentrations and inoculum types, respectively (p < 0.05).a No inoculum: control fermentation; ZR: inoculated fermentation with Z. rouxii NRRL Y-2548; TD: inoculated fermentation with T. delbrueckii JBCC-623; PG: inoculated fermentation with P. guilliermondii JBCC-848; ZR/PG: inoculated fermentation with a co-culture of Z. rouxii NRRL Y-2548 and P. guilliermondii JBCC-848; TD/PG: inoculated fermentation with a co-culture of T. delbrueckii JBCC-623 and P. guilliermondii JBCC-848.