Every day with a Wheely's café is filled with opportunities. How much you will earn is actually up to you. Here are some ideas:
Team up with newspapers and become their distributor
Do gigs at Corporate events. These are well payed (often over $ 1000) and fun!
Make people happy, it's verified by science that by giving something away (a lollipop for instance) people are more willing to give you something back in return.
Work extra in the mornings before school! 50% of a days earnings comes in the rush hour.
Help brands launch new products on the market. Give away samples.
Make tests, do the math in order to find out the perfect place and time to place your Wheely's.
Find exhibitions / sport games / concerts / parties and be where the people are. Make friends.
Sell umbrellas on rainy days
Buy many Wheely's, employ your friends and become a Wheely's kingpin
Get patrons - befriend your buyers. If they like you, they will tell their friends. Always remember to award those trusty clients of yours.
It there a ferry terminal nearby? This is a perfect place to sell coffee to cardriver waiting.
Outside a school or a university has proven to be a great spot!
Bus terminals are usually crowded by people but no cafes, use this opportunity!
Rent out our bike to corporate events or sport events, everyone want’s coffee and snacks.