As attached, is a popular established yoghurt brand in USA. We would like to be associated with them.
-> Can you pls contact them? I will offer them free logo space on our "Coming soon" green banner just to be associated with them.
-> as for Flow house we want to be associated with them too. If they don't want to barter our banner on their facility I'm willing to give them free space on our banner too.
-> same goes for Adidas or Nike or FBT
- >The "Up mall" is might be willing to pay or trade.
-> any brand you feel give us good image and family values will do
New size for banner is 6m X 2 m plus 1 meter space below for the logos. The banner will only be up on fence for only another 2-3 months anyhow. Plus, we are such a new brand so I think it will be difficult to find a sponsor during pre-opening.
What do you think? If you think, the idea is OK. Pls do a mock-up of their logos on our banner. เรา กำลังต้องตกปลาก่อน then when we do open and gain popularity they will want to give us money for sponsorship.