Fig. 1 shows the results of the stability measurements for the emulsions formed from 3–10 wt.% whey protein dispersions. Emulsion stability ranged from 32.2% to 17.5% and decreased with increasing protein concentration, pointing at an excess of the emulsifier at higher concentrations. Above protein concentration that give the maximum obtainable surface coverage, whey proteins form multilayers, made up of proteins that are loosely bound to the adsorbed layer (Euston and Hirst, 1999). Probably, surface denaturation of these proteins, during the homogenization process, may have a negative influence on the subsequent emulsion stability. It has been reported that globular proteins, during temporary adsorption to emulsion droplet surfaces, may undergo surface modification of their structure (Rampon et al., 2003). The lowest protein concentration (3 wt.%) giving the most stable emulsions was chosen for further experiments.