If you have experience with game-based educational software, please take some time to reflect on your experiences.
What aspects of the software have proven most useful for you? What things would you consider removing if you
could? How would you change it?
What are the areas (both skills and content) in which the students struggle the most?
What should the game/virtual environment we create do? Reinforce content covered in the modules? Fill gaps in student
understanding? Engage students in otherwise inaccessible content?
What ideas do you have about assessing student learning in this virtual environment?
Game-based educational software is often designed for use over multiple sessions and in informal settings. How
would you envision the best use of the software from this perspective?
Game-based educational software can be used in informal settings. How would you envision the best use of the software
outside of the classroom, e.g., in after-school programs or at home?