1) The Invoice vide no: EX1503001 is already dispatched on 09.03.2015 whereas your statement as on 31.03.2015 is still showing as pending for despatch. Please check & confirm.
2) Advance made against Ref No: 0002SMI00114115 was $ 60,480.00 against which invoice raised was vide no: EX1503001 Dt.06.03.2015 for $ 25,704.00 and invoice no.EX1503003 Dt.27.03.2015 for $ 30240.00 balance of $ 4536.00 should have been shown as advance pending in TAAL books as on 31.03.2015 which is not available. Please check & confirm the same
Please provide us a corrected statement as we need to provide the same to auditors.
Please revert if any details are required.