Botanical garden is a place where collected, displayed and educational of plants for interested and people. The benefits of a botanical garden not only to collect and educate but it is also an area for recreation and leisure facilities to the visitors. It is surprising that Botanical garden in Thailand tend to use less. It might be because so far location, access difficult. As a result, most usage occurs during weekends and public holidays. Or it doesn’t have point of attraction. All of which makes the area no benefit in good use as it should be.
As the problem mention above and the problem of knowledge and understanding of the Thai people in the aquatic water decreased, the problem of botanical garden and aquatic plants are selected to be the main purpose study for the thesis. The objective of this thesis is focus on the design education areas and recreation areas by aquatic plants. Display and education according to the concept of overlooking the importance of aquatic plant with outstanding physical. The relationship with the different natural environment. Simulation of area ecosystem and natural close to reality with both outdoor and indoor functional displayed collection. The visitors get the knowledge and the atmosphere together. by trying to overcome the weakness of aquatic plants displays and Botanical garden in Thailand which difficult to understand and not interesting .
This Education-Recreation areas: Aquatic botanical park could be an alternative solving problem for location, people can easily access and local typing user use this area in everyday not only weekend or holidays. Add a variety group of users in the area.
This thesis has adopted the new method of Botanical garden design which now becoming very popular these day to design, by adding the recreation area into the area. In the exhibition attracted interest focused on characteristics of aquatic plant in each category and ecosystem. Makes it easy to remember and to learn.