As you can see above I cut some of the marketing costs (no billboard, no paper news, no newsletters fee โ€“ I create artwork and send them personally etc). I discuss with some of our partners if we can reduce the fee during low season but finally I got a deal with image asia can see we start again with Byron and his radio but the rate increase a lot. I know is because he had to start from beginning and because before in past years we had always very food deal.Btw our previous amount with them was around 12,000 Baht per month and now is nearly 22,000 Baht. (is nearly 30% of all our marketing plan!!)SM Oasis I will try to reduce it again. Last year was around 18,000 Baht now is 12,000 Baht but I think I can do many of her job by myself I will try to bring it down less 10,000 Baht per month.