Schoepentoeter (S) - used as feed inlet device for vapor distribution with bulk liquid removal
KnitMesh (M) - which acts as coalescer and separator, depending on the gas flow rate
Double Primary KnitMesh (MM) - specially developed for applications with two immiscible liquid phases in the feed to the separators (such as glycol condensate in dew-point separators)
Swirldeck (S) - comprising multiple Swirltubes. A second KnitMesh (M) is used downstream of the Swirldeck in SMSM gas/liquid separators for demisting secondary gas. In fouling or waxy service, the KnitMesh can be replaced by a Sulzer Mellachevron vane pack (SVS systems).
A second KnitMesh (M) is used downstream of the Swirldeck in SMSM gas/liquid separators for demisting secondary gas. In fouling or waxy service, the KnitMesh can be replaced by a Sulzer Mellachevron vane pack (SVS systems).