The behaviour of cut flowers from two P. nobilis cultivars with
commercial potential, Passion with dark pink inflorescences and
Purity with white-green inflorescences, was followed during vase
life. Inflorescence weight loss was significant during vase life with
wilting and colour loss being the primary reasons for loss of vase
life. Cut inflorescences stored at 22 ◦C had vase lives of >12 d.
Ethylene did not appear to play a significant role in postharvest
physiology whereas respiration rate and maturity of the florets
within the inflorescence were evidently vase life determinants. Further
studies might profitably focus on identifying treatments that
slow respiration and/or prevent water loss to increase vase life and
maintain scent production. The main volatiles identified were all
recorded in other commercially successful crops, often liked for
their perfume. The observation that fragrance did not decline until
after the end of vase life further suggests the commercial potential
for cut P. nobilis flowers.