NIVEA is excellent in setting specific group, they can understand consumer behavior because they know women behavior that women were often the initial purchaser of skincare products for men, this will increase opportunities for sales.
In our opinion, NIVEA FOR MEN has very strong strengths and competitive advantages against its competitors. Moreover, it can also develop, expand and distribute its products and service efficiently.
In addition, the company can take advantage of the changing in social attitudes of men who were becoming more open towards using skin care products.
However, NIVEA FOR MEN also has strong weakness. It takes time and gives importance for developing products more than fulfil the requirements of audience. Besides it did not have specially sale and distribution outlets where men can find what they want and fulfill their satisfaction. So NIVEA FOR MEN must expand the specially sales and distribution outlets which can fulfill people requirements and needs.
As there was rising risk of competitors to enter the market because the overall demand of male skincare products was rising, so the company should make sure that its marketing activity still gave positive sales and profits for it.