Second part. Medical History
Do you suffer or have suffered from any of the following:
Heart condition ____
Hypertension ____
Epylepsy ____
If you marked any of the above, please elaborate a little more: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Third part. Additional factors
Do you suffer from diabetes?: Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was yes, please say if you need insulin or not:
Does your family have a heart condition history? (Deaths in the family due to heart condition) Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was yes, please elaborate: ________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any phobias?: Yes ____ No ____
Please specify them: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please choose the sentence that better describes how often you excercise:
____ Very little or never
Universidad de Monterrey - Centro de Liderazgo y Desafío ¡Lánzate! - Programas de Educación Experiencial a través de la Aventura
Universidad de Monterrey - Centro de Liderazgo y Desafío ¡Lánzate! - Programas de Educación Experiencial a través de la Aventura
____ Ocasionally, once or twice per week
____ Very often (20 minutes every day or 3 times per week)
Do you smoke? Yes ___ No ___ Have you quit smoking? Yes ___ No ____ If your answer was yes, how long ago did you quit?: _________
In case of any accident, please indicate your emergency contact:
Name___________________________________________________ Kinship ____________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number _______________________ Office phone number ___________________Mobile___________________
About medical consult
If you marked as affirmative any of the options in the second part of this form we recommend that you consult with your doctor the pertinence of participating in the leadership program or any other activity that implies physical effort. Having a medical history of cardiac conditions, chest pain, hypertension, diabetes, smoking or having been a smoker, suffering overweight and being more than 45 years old, are recognized as conditions to consider you a person with cardiac risks. If you have three or more of these risk factors, we insist on the convenience of consulting with your doctor.
If you or your doctor require additional information about the activities developed in this program, please contact us.
“I recognize that I have marked any physical condition in the second part of this form and I have consulted my doctor”. Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was affirmative please mark the most appropriate:
I have been advised that I can participate in the program with no limitation. _____
I have been advised that I can not participate in the program. _____
I have been advised that I can participate in the program, but I could avoid participating in some activities. _____
Please specify which activities: _______________________________________________________________________
Exoneration of Responsibilities
I affirm that the medical information I have provided is recent, complete and true. I understand that hiding information could affect my own security and my classmates’. I agree to keep the Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure with no responsibility regarding any physical and medical preexistent conditions and for all physical and medical conditions not exposed in this form. In case of illness or accident I consent Universidad de Monterrey to receive health care, hospitalization, and any other treatment that might be necessary, as well as to reimburse the expenses in which it might incur for these effects, either with my patrimony or my parents’.
I understand that some of the activities in the Leadership program can be physically and emotionally demanding. I agree to follow all instructions provided by organizers and instructors during the program. I recognize the risk that the activities imply. I understand every participant must assume the risk of illness or accident that could result from my participation in the activities. I exonerate Universidad de Monterrey and the staff of Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure, its organizers, instructors, directors and counselors, of any illness or accident that happens during my participation in the activities.
Participant signature: _____________________________ Date (day/month/year):______ / _________ / ________
Program: _______________________________________ Program Date: ______ / _________ / ________
I yield to Universidad de Monterrey and to the organizers of the Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure the rights of use, reproduction and distribution of pictures and videos in which I appear.
Participant signature: _____________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (only for minors)_________
Second part. Medical History
Do you suffer or have suffered from any of the following:
Heart condition ____
Hypertension ____
Epylepsy ____
If you marked any of the above, please elaborate a little more: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Third part. Additional factors
Do you suffer from diabetes?: Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was yes, please say if you need insulin or not:
Does your family have a heart condition history? (Deaths in the family due to heart condition) Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was yes, please elaborate: ________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any phobias?: Yes ____ No ____
Please specify them: ____________________________________________________________________________
Please choose the sentence that better describes how often you excercise:
____ Very little or never
Universidad de Monterrey - Centro de Liderazgo y Desafío ¡Lánzate! - Programas de Educación Experiencial a través de la Aventura
Universidad de Monterrey - Centro de Liderazgo y Desafío ¡Lánzate! - Programas de Educación Experiencial a través de la Aventura
____ Ocasionally, once or twice per week
____ Very often (20 minutes every day or 3 times per week)
Do you smoke? Yes ___ No ___ Have you quit smoking? Yes ___ No ____ If your answer was yes, how long ago did you quit?: _________
In case of any accident, please indicate your emergency contact:
Name___________________________________________________ Kinship ____________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number _______________________ Office phone number ___________________Mobile___________________
About medical consult
If you marked as affirmative any of the options in the second part of this form we recommend that you consult with your doctor the pertinence of participating in the leadership program or any other activity that implies physical effort. Having a medical history of cardiac conditions, chest pain, hypertension, diabetes, smoking or having been a smoker, suffering overweight and being more than 45 years old, are recognized as conditions to consider you a person with cardiac risks. If you have three or more of these risk factors, we insist on the convenience of consulting with your doctor.
If you or your doctor require additional information about the activities developed in this program, please contact us.
“I recognize that I have marked any physical condition in the second part of this form and I have consulted my doctor”. Yes ____ No ____
If your answer was affirmative please mark the most appropriate:
I have been advised that I can participate in the program with no limitation. _____
I have been advised that I can not participate in the program. _____
I have been advised that I can participate in the program, but I could avoid participating in some activities. _____
Please specify which activities: _______________________________________________________________________
Exoneration of Responsibilities
I affirm that the medical information I have provided is recent, complete and true. I understand that hiding information could affect my own security and my classmates’. I agree to keep the Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure with no responsibility regarding any physical and medical preexistent conditions and for all physical and medical conditions not exposed in this form. In case of illness or accident I consent Universidad de Monterrey to receive health care, hospitalization, and any other treatment that might be necessary, as well as to reimburse the expenses in which it might incur for these effects, either with my patrimony or my parents’.
I understand that some of the activities in the Leadership program can be physically and emotionally demanding. I agree to follow all instructions provided by organizers and instructors during the program. I recognize the risk that the activities imply. I understand every participant must assume the risk of illness or accident that could result from my participation in the activities. I exonerate Universidad de Monterrey and the staff of Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure, its organizers, instructors, directors and counselors, of any illness or accident that happens during my participation in the activities.
Participant signature: _____________________________ Date (day/month/year):______ / _________ / ________
Program: _______________________________________ Program Date: ______ / _________ / ________
I yield to Universidad de Monterrey and to the organizers of the Leadership Programs for Experiential Education through Adventure the rights of use, reproduction and distribution of pictures and videos in which I appear.
Participant signature: _____________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (only for minors)_________
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