Age has a noticeable effect on the needs of consumers In
many areas. On the other hand, other markets stay fairly
similar throughout life, such as food products, for example,
since we all need to eat. But even for a market that
involves everyone, segmentation by age is often important
because it allows for more precise, and therefore more
effective, marketing and advertising. An example is the
lower-fat cheese range from the Bongrain Group in France
called 'Fine Bouche', which is supposed to be aimed at
everyone. Some years after it first entered the France
market, the brand discovered it was selling more among
the over 50s, who found in this product the right balance
between taste and tightness (health concerns are always
stronger among the over 50s than in any other age group),
The company decided to take advantage of this by making
a TV 'infomercial' designed to interest directly the over 50s
and broadcast only during the day over two TV channels
with many 50+ viewers. With a very modest budget(about
300,000 euros per year), sales volumes increased by 40%
in the months following the campaign. Thanks to this
strategic choice, the brand became leader of its market
sector in two years.
Age has a noticeable effect on the needs of consumers Inmany areas. On the other hand, other markets stay fairlysimilar throughout life, such as food products, for example,since we all need to eat. But even for a market thatinvolves everyone, segmentation by age is often importantbecause it allows for more precise, and therefore moreeffective, marketing and advertising. An example is thelower-fat cheese range from the Bongrain Group in Francecalled 'Fine Bouche', which is supposed to be aimed ateveryone. Some years after it first entered the Francemarket, the brand discovered it was selling more amongthe over 50s, who found in this product the right balancebetween taste and tightness (health concerns are alwaysstronger among the over 50s than in any other age group),The company decided to take advantage of this by makinga TV 'infomercial' designed to interest directly the over 50sand broadcast only during the day over two TV channelswith many 50+ viewers. With a very modest budget(about300,000 euros per year), sales volumes increased by 40%in the months following the campaign. Thanks to thisstrategic choice, the brand became leader of its marketsector in two years.
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